A fun story and six fact books just for you!

Puppet Pals are out to get Seke! Puppet Pals are taking over the third grade. Zeke doesn´t understand what the excitement is all about. The silly finger puppets are just plain boring. Will Seke ever learn to love these putrid pals?

Examine drawings that fool the eye into believing a flat surface is three dimensional, that coils are rolling from left to right across the page, and white spaces are flashing at you-plus more. Find out about closure, lines of perspective, the “Rubin Vase”, and how such concepts and techniques can help you untangle these fascinating tricks of eye and mind.

Can you face the most disgusting things you will ever encounter? From nauseating foods to revolting habits, from jungle crawlers to stomach worms, here your ultimate guide. Each vile entry includes a yuck rating and all the disgusting details you need to prepare yourself for the real-life scenario.

From the highest mountains to the deepest canyons, from the most powerful engines to the fastest trains, this is your ultimate guide to everything – tallest buildings to coolest creatures, hottest deserts to creepiest mummies, and much more!

Each amazing entry includes an ‘awesome’ rating and all the incredible details you need to picture being there yourself. A spotters’ guide to volcanoes: how they form, what happens when they erupt, how best to survive if you’re caught in an eruption.

Need help studying? Love trivia? Just want to impress your friends? Get on top of your fact game with this book. If you have questions, it has a lot of answers and it is packed with hundreds of facts, figures, and stats.

Giggle, chuckle, laugh, and guffaw as you flip through these hilarious pages!

Watch the book trailer:

Find some jokes at National Geographic site.

Are you “normal”? gives you answers to questions you´ve (probably) never thought to ask. How does it works? It´s simple, Inside you´ll find page after page of colorful, hilarious, and thought-provoking questions.

Stories to enjoy and share.

Jenny have spent her life as an official adventurer. She travel across enchanted kingdoms saving magical creatures and fighting horrible beasts that most of you think are only myths and legends. She have never had a social life. Her friends have all forgotten her. And let’s not even talk about trying to do her homework. So — She´s done!! She is tired and she want to go back to being a normal girl. But then along comes “Prince Charming” asking for help, and, well, what’s a tired girl like her supposed to do?


Hayley´s world is far from perfect: her parents have divorced, her mom has lost her job, and she and her sister, Chloe, are stuck sharing a bedroom in their grandmother´s apartment. Luckily, Hailey has a knack for baking cupcakes – and cupcakes always make life just a little sweeter! But when she and her best friend, Artie, start disagreeing about everything, she realizes that it´s going to take  a lot of sugar to sweeten this situation.

Seventh graders Olivia, Kate, and Georgia have been best friends since their families all moved into the same Brooklyn apartment building. But lately their friendship has been strained – confident Kate doesn´t notice much but the latest gossip, shy Georgia cant´s say out loud what´s on her mind, and both Georgia and Kate are ready for Olivia to stop being a n observer and start taking action, especially when it comes to the object of her mega-crush. When a blizzard turns Valentine´s Day into a snow day, the girls hatch a plan to distribute homemade fortune cookies throughout their building. If their scheme works, it will bring a little bit of romance and happiness to their neighbors- and perhaps help remind the girls why they´re such good friends to begin with.

Ginny has big plans for eighth grade. She’s going to try out for cheer leading, join Virtual Vampire Vixens, and maybe even fall in love. But middle school is more of a roller-coaster ride than Ginny could have ever predicted. Her family has just moved into a fancy new house when Ginny’s step-dad loses his job. (Can worrying about money make you sick?). Ginny’s big brother keeps getting into trouble. And there’s a new baby on the way. (Living proof that Ginny’s mom and step-dad are having sex. Just what she needs.) Filled with Post-its, journal entries, grocery lists, hand-drawn comic strips, report cards, IMs, notes, and more. From Goodreads.

Check a behind-the-scenes of the illustrator:

Four fabulous flower-power girls, three uncool bullies, two crush-worthy cuties, and one teacherly romance… It´s another drama-filled week in the lives of fifth graders Milla, Yasaman, Violet, and Katie-Rose. Milla is shocked to find that her old nemesis has picked a new “recruit” to join her band of Evil Chicks, while Katie-Rose is even more shocked to realize -GASP- that despite the disgustingness of fifth-grade boys, it might be possible that a certain boy isn´t quite as vile as she suspected. Violet is caught up in a whirlwind of emotions about her mother, who is home form the hospital at last but may not be completely well. And then there ´s Yaz, struggling to be the good, studious girl everyone expects her to be, even as a soft voice within her whispers, “But what do you want? Don´t you want more?”

It´s a wild ride for the four friends, with lessons, pranks, pizza fights, and plenty of misunderstandings.

Nancy Clancy has everything she needs to be a super sleuth (that´s a fancy word for detective): She has a glamorous magnifying glass complete with rhinestones, a totally professional pink trench coat, and a sleuthing partner with awesome code-breaking-skills-her best friend, Bree.

Now all she needs is a good mystery to solve. But when crime strikes right in the middle of her classroom, will Nancy have what it takes to crack the case?

Browse inside Nancy Clancy.



I know you love comics!

Nikki Maxwell develops a sudden interest in student journalism that may or may not (okay, definitely does) have to do with the fact that mean girl Mackenzie has started writing a gossip column. And there just might be some juicy info involving Nikki’s crush, Brandon, that Nikki doesn’t want Mackenzie reporting to the world. So Nikki joins the school newspaper staff—and ends up as an advice columnist! It’s fun at first, answering other kids’ letters. But when Miss Know-It-All’s inbox is suddenly overflowing with pleas for guidance, Nikki feels in need of some help herself. Fortunately she has BFFs Chloe and Zoey on her side—and at her keyboard! From Goodreads.

Listen a audio excerpt: http://www.dorkdiaries.com/my-diaries/

Callie loves theater. And while she would totally try out for her middle school’s production of Moon Over Mississippi, she can’t really sing. Instead she’s the set designer for the drama department stage crew, and this year she’s determined to create a set worthy of Broadway on a middle-school budget. But how can she, when she doesn’t know much about carpentry, ticket sales are down, and the crew members are having trouble working together? Not to mention the onstage AND offstage drama that occurs once the actors are chosen. And when two cute brothers enter the picture, things get even crazier!

Rania Telgemeier has a blog where she published some Webcomics, you can visit it here.

8 short stories of this famous family!

Garfield, the furry food processor, is back for another helping of tastefully outrageous fun! And America´s most-famished feline is breaking all records for mealtime mayhem! Whether he´s snatching a snooze, drop-kicking the dog, or discovering the joys of a simple tummy scratch, Garfield always knows where his next nibble is coming from. If you´re hungry for laughter, you´ll eat him up. Pound for pound, there´s no funnier cat around.


Two new collections of your favorite comics characters.

New titles of Who Was…? Series.

Born into a large family in the colony of Pennsylvania, Daniel Boone developed sharp skills in hunting and tracking as he grew. After fighting in the French and Indian War, Daniel helped to build the Wilderness Road. From Scholastic.


She was a sharpshooting, horseback-riding symbol of the Wild West and an elegant lady who was courted by European aristocracy and admired by queens. Learn more of her life in this book!

In 1995, on a four-hour-delayed train from Manchester to London, J. K. Rowling conceived of the idea of a boy wizard named Harry Potter. Upon arriving in London, she began immediately writing the first book in the saga. Rowling’s true-life, rags-to-riches story is as compelling as the world of Hogwarts that she created. From Goodreads.

The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore.

Until the day I met John Smith, Number Four, I’d been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive.

Together, we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others. . . .

I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we’re looking for the others–including John.

But so are they.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They caught me in New York–but I escaped.
I am Number Six.
They want to finish what they started.
But they’ll have to fight us first.

Here, its book trailer:

First two books of The Lemonade War Series.

The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies.

Evan Treski is people-smart. He is good at talking with people, even grownups. His younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math-smart—but not especially good at understanding people. She knows that feelings are her weakest subject. So when their lemonade war begins, there really is no telling who will win—and even more important, if their fight will ever end.

The Lemonade Crime by Jacqueline Davies.

Following the laws of our legal system, Evan and Jessie’s fourth grade class concocts a courtroom on the playground, putting Scott Spencer, alleged thief, on trial. They create a legitimate courtroom—with a judge, witnesses, a jury of their peers—and surprising consequences.

As she explores the difficulties of fairness, Jacqueline Davies once again reveals how good she is at understanding the complex emotions of children this age. From Goodreads.

Watch the book trailer:

More of this: http://www.lemonadewar.com/

King Kong by Anthony Browne.

The classic adventure of the great ape is retold with dramatic full-color illustrations, from an uncharted native island to the populated one of Manhattan, where the climatic confrontation takes place high atop the Empire State Building. From Amazon.

Watch an interview of the author and his creative process: